“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” -Mark 16:15-18

Every time your heart beats, a precious soul across the Earth slips into eternity.

150,000 people die per day and many die without Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! Caleb Cooper answered the call of God in 2003 to preach the Gospel with accompanied signs, wonders and miracles and to prepare a generation for the return of Jesus Christ. God has not only called him to be a Senior Pastor, but to travel extensively as a Revivalist across America and beyond. Every year Caleb Cooper, his wife and two children travel an estimated 50,000 miles together by vehicle to ignite as many lives as possible with the Word of God and the fire of the Holy Spirit while mobilizing the Body of Christ to walk in unity. They have never spent a night away from each other in ministry honoring their calling to demonstrate unified family wherever they go. His unique passion to not only Shepherd the flock of his region, but his unwavering preaching of the Uncompomised Word of God has opened the door for opportunities to impact lives in many other regions. Caleb Cooper Ministries believes as many souls as possible must be won into the Kingdom of God before the return of Jesus Christ.

God has called Caleb Cooper and his family to contend for sustainable revival and transforming awakening in other regions outside of senior pastoring. Intense missions we have done in recent years:

  • Ministering at Azusafest in Los Angeles, CA Every Year
  • Ministered in all 33 Counties of New Mexico
  • Ministered in 8 of the 15 Counties in Arizona
  • Ministered multiple times in Winnipeg, Canada with the First Nations
  • Ministering a Minimum of 2 Times a Month in Tucson, AZ (4.5 hours from home one way)
  • Ministering Weekly in Silver City, NM (2 hours from home one way)
  • Ministering with the Trail of Joy (Voices of Mercy) in 7 states in 2023 (Little Rock AR, Jackson MO, Nashville TN, Wilmore KY, Cherokee NC, Fort Mill SC, Miami FL)
  • Serve with Gathering of Tribal Nations Team on the Navajo Nation

“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” -John 3:8

Caleb Cooper and his family’s call to stir hearts with the Word of God, the Fire of the Holy Spirit and the call to mobilize unity is a very demanding and costly schedule. Caleb Cooper is an Author as well as his family that consistently writes books. Alongside the increasing yearly schedule Caleb Cooper Ministries is also committed to creating more books and children’s books that equip the Body of Christ of all ages as well as continuing to add the most cutting edge resources to CalebCooperMinistries.com that includes discipleship e-courses and more.

Will you help us fulfill all that God has called us to do? Will you partner with the mission?

Partner with Dr. Caleb Cooper for $25/MO as he travels the country spreading the Gospel.

Your $50/MO partnership includes access to all of Caleb Cooper’s e-books.

Your $75/MO partnership includes access to over 100 Classic Sermon Audio Downloads and all e-books.

Your $100/MO partnership includes access to all e-courses (coming soon), e-books, and over 100 Classic Sermon Audio Downloads.

The Any Amount Monthly Partnership has a $150 minimum and includes access to all e-courses (coming soon), e-books, and over 100 Classic Sermon Audio Downloads.

Caleb Cooper Ministries, LLC is not a 501C3 and partnership subscriptions are not tax deductible. Thank you for your generous heart and partnership to advance the Kingdom of God! We pray for a 100 fold return on your partnership in Jesus name!