Every time your heart beats which is 100,000 times a day a precious soul slips into eternity. 150,000 people die daily and many slip into the eternal flames of hell because they have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Caleb Cooper Ministries is committed to doing something about it as we believe that America shall be saved! Revival Fire Tent Meetings is one of the strategies God has given us as we are setting up a 120ft by 60ft revival tent in different cities across America as the Holy Spirit leads us.

We are committed to preaching the Uncompromised Gospel of Jesus Christ believing that God will confirm His Word with notable and striking signs, wonders, and miracles under the big red tent that has a beautiful white cross on top. We must see souls saved and connected to local Bible believing churches in regions across America.
We are thankful for our current monthly financial partners and are looking for new monthly financial partners that can help us sustain this massive vision to see souls saved from the powers of hell.
Be the Hands and Feet Advancing God’s Kingdom in These Last Days
We are also looking for volunteers across America who desire to put boots on the ground and help serve in this massive endeavor to advance the kingdom of God in the last days. Jesus Christ is coming soon and we must be about our Father’s business until He cracks clouds and the day comes when there is no opportunity left to WIN SOULS!