I have known Caleb Cooper for quite a few years. A mutual friend got us connected. A large number of his church went through our Steve Hill Ministries online School of Evangelism. Then he started inviting me to his church. Loved getting to know him, his lovely wife Erica, and their children. He is a very intense man of God, very established in the Word of God. He does not take lightly his walk with God. He studies the Word of God with great passion and his delivery of the Word pierces the heart of the hearer. But most importantly you know that he has bathed his life, his family, and his ministry in prayer.
Now, he has written a book on prayer. There are so many aspects to prayer, it is definitely not one-sided where we do all the talking. Prayer is communication with God our Father. We do this by praising Him, listening to Him, confessing what is good for our souls, and acknowledging that we see areas in our lives that need to be addressed. He already knows everything but He wants us to have a relationship with Him that we are constantly growing. We don’t want to get in a hurry, we wait on Him in His presence. You can speak the Word out as a prayer and meditate on it. I think memorization of the Word is the best way to meditate on it. You can be a watchman on the wall, guarding your life and those around you. Praying for others in deep intercession, petitioning for your needs, and asking for wisdom on how to handle life, thanking Him. Prayer is communion with our Creator. When we pray, we engage in loving fellowship with the Maker of heaven and earth. Where we can experience ‘Heaven on Earth’.
Knowing Caleb and how he walks out his life with integrity. I see this book as the foundation of everything he does. He will unfold all the different aspects of prayer. When you are done with this book you will be well informed on everything about prayer. I believe it will at times draw you to your knees, other times you will sense the need to pace in prayer. You may weep or you may rejoice in answers to your requests. Sometimes you will knock and keep knocking. Most importantly, if we seek Him, we will find Him when we search for Him with all our heart and we will not be turned away I believe as we spend time with God we will be forever changed. Let HIM have HIS way in you as you read and study this book learning how to walk in HIS presence. Carriers of the presence of God.
Psalm 19:14 says, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.”
John 4:23 says, “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.”
Lamentations 3:25 says, “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him.”
I pray the Lord will draw you so close to Him that this world grows dimmer as you practice His presence.
Jeri Hill, wife of the late Steve Hill
President of Together in the Harvest Ministries
“Armed with the weapon of prayer” is an outstanding training manual for the end-time army of the Lord! Pastor Caleb Cooper has addressed a fundamental flaw in the body of Christ, we need to PRAY… following the principles outlined in God’s Word! It’s a failed spiritual exercise if we simply ramble out a list of “May I have this and that” to God. This powerful book is our wake-up call! The Body of Christ needs to execute the judgment and to declare the kingdom of God in the seven mountains of influence. We need to be “Armed with the weapon of Prayer!” I highly recommend this book for seasoned believers and new believers to see answers to our prayers in this hour!
Apostle Wilma Berry
Azusa Street Mission
The weapons of our warfare are mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations, and bringing every thought into obedience along with every high thing exalting itself against the knowledge and Lordship of Jesus Christ. -2 Corinthians 10:4-5
Having been given the “passport” of prayer by virtue of birthright, we have the opportunity to effect change in our world. It is a powerful weapon that does, in fact, “defy the natural with the supernatural.” Caleb, very capably explains this in his most recent book, which further empowers us to do our part to facilitate “Kingdom come, and His will be done.”
History does indeed belong to the intercessors who believe and pray the future into being. -Walter Wink.
When we pray, and particularly in praying the Word of God, we powerfully bring Kingdom impact and Kingdom influence to the circumstance about us; the Word is the sword of the Spirit; angels hearken to the voice of His Word, and our God watches over His Word to perform it. As Caleb explains, prayer is one of the most powerful things that we can occupy ourselves with in order to see the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ. You will be greatly enriched by the insights shared in this book!
Daniel Segura
Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network
New Mexico State Representative
You’re not a victim; you’re a victorious overcomer. Pastor Caleb Cooper will show you how to walk in victory, armed with the weapon of prayer! Do you want to see God move mightily in your life? READ THIS BOOK TODAY! Do you want to see strongholds come crashing down? GET THIS BOOK. Armed with the Weapon of Prayer is a must-read, but only if you want the full, victorious life God has for you. Is that you? Pastor Caleb Cooper has seen firsthand what prayer can do and so can you!
J.C. Hall
In his book, “Armed With the Weapon of Prayer”, Dr. Cooper challenges the body of Christ to take hold of their Heavenly rights and inheritance. This book will stir your spirit and cause you to contemplate deeply the true ramifications of what happens when we pray out of faith. I recommend this powerful work to anyone who wants to delve into the subject of prayer, faith, and their authority in Christ.
Testimony of healing from North Pole Alaska July 2022:
In July of 2022, our ministry headed up a tent crusade in North Pole Alaska. During one of these meetings, there was a young 13-year-old girl who had been born with a disease-causing a lack of blood flow in her veins. Her legs were black and blue and had knots the size of a baseball. This little girl was so hungry for God, that every night of the meetings she would get as close as she could to the altar area. She would cry continuously, as God would touch her. This particular night, my dad Apostle Randall Burton, preached on a “notable miracle” in Acts chapter 4.
During the altar call, she came forward wanting healing from this disease causing so much pain in her legs. We prayed for this little girl and nothing happened. We continued to pray and nothing happened. This may be discouraging for some, but the Holy Spirit gave me a word of knowledge. I got on the microphone and stated that if anyone in this tent doubts this girl’s healing will occur, please step outside the tent. To my surprise, the girl’s mother who was on her knees crying on the platform, got up and walked out of the tent!
As soon as she left the tent, I felt movement in the hand that I was lying on one of those knots in the girl’s leg. It completely went flat! I felt the knot disappear in my hand. The girl began wailing with tears of joy, and I began shouting myself! In one moment, God completely healed this little girl of this disease. Needless to say, that night God shook that tent with His power. People were saved, healed, and set free. I will never forget that moment when God changed that young lady’s life forever through His power!
Eric Burton
President of Groundbreaker International
Praise the Lord for the power and for the hour. The power of prayer when the earth aligns with heaven’s assignment is explosive power. God in you never ceases to amaze me, Pastor Caleb! When He hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus he positioned us to legislate in the earth on heavens behalf. We as the children of God have a calling, a heavenly assignment that we will certainly give an account for and want to be found faithful. This power-packed book will stir up a desire of desperation to pursue prayer with knowing and expectancy. It will ignite an old fuse to taste and see once again that the Lord is good. God desires to fulfill His Word on the earth in us and among us so that they may know that there is a God. Pastor Caleb brings the power of practical truths of great manifestation if or when God’s people pray. In the hour of dire spiritual warfare, we must rise to a higher dimension of prayer over our nation, the nations, marriages, our children, families, homes, government affairs, marketplace, and schools. Pastor Caleb shares how prayer prayed God’s way and activated will hit the target. Explosive prayers equal explosive answers. It has been proven throughout the ages. Shall we pray?
1 John 5:14-15 says, “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.”
Thank you Pastor Caleb for leading us all to this explosive hour of explosive prayer with explosive manifestations. This is that day and this is that hour!
Pastor Frances Alvarez
Open Door Ministries
Many Christians in the American church are under extreme attacks from the enemy. While the attacks are fierce and often, the American church simply does not know how to fight back properly. They live with a mindset that says, “When the attack comes, then I’ll do something. Then I’ll get ready to fight back!” Horrible mindset. Dr. Caleb Cooper in his book “Armed with the Weapon of Prayer” does an excellent job of helping the church understand that we must always be battle-ready. To be Battle Ready is to use our greatest weapon which is Prayer! While Jesus could’ve taught His disciples church growth principles, preaching methods, etc….He taught them how to pray. This book will challenge you, convict you, and cause you to live your life battle-ready. It will cause you to find your battle position on your knees.
I was preaching in Wells, Minnesota for a pastor friend. God moved in very powerful ways. The last service that I ministered there, this lady was waiting until I prayed for everyone else. She was with her 16-year-old son whose name is Garret. I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes. I asked her what she needed the Lord to do. She responded and said, “My son has scoliosis and his spine is crooked, and has lumps in his back and walks crooked.” She then said, “he’s been prayed for many times, but tonight something seems different.” I told mom to put her hands on two of the lumps on Garret’s back and I did the same. I began to pray and Garret felt heat in his back. One by one the lumps in his back disappeared and his spine began to straighten. Garret stood straight for the first time.
Everyone got excited. Garret ran across the front of the church and then came and asked his mom: “Mom when do we go back to the Mayo Clinic to see the doctor?” She answered: “This Thursday.” I gave Garret my cell number and asked him to call me the moment the doctor told him it was a verifiable miracle. That Thursday afternoon, my cell phone rang while in a staff meeting and I answered it and put it on speaker. Garret said, “Pastor Jack, I’m healed, I’m healed, and the doctor said it’s a miracle and I never have to see him again.” This happened in 2021 and today Garret is in ministry with YWAM (Youth With A Mission).
Jack Osteen
Burning Place Ministries
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