We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
God has given Pastor Caleb Cooper and Sheriff Glenn Hamilton a blueprint for America that calls for the uniting of Shepherds and Sheriffs to labor together for the restoration of a nation. When the Shepherds and Sheriffs unite in a region they become a transformational force that shields entire regions from tyranny.
The U.S. Constitution which is the supreme law of the land was not only influenced by the Founding Fathers but also by the Essential Church. Clergy (Shepherds) were called upon for prayer at the Constitutional Convention as it was believed that God governed the affairs of men and that without God’s help, the Convention would not succeed. God used the Shepherds to be instrumental in establishing the liberties of this great nation and will continue to use the Shepherds to sustain the liberties of America. God has also raised up the Sheriff who is the chief law enforcement of a county to serve as the barrier between oppressive government and those officials who are trying to enforce it. The Sheriff is elected by the people and is the first and last line of defense to ensure that the God- given rights of every American are not violated by a tyrannical government. The Sheriff through their oath of office that they made before God and man must stand as the resistance to government overreach.
We will train, equip, and inspire each region to unite the Shepherds and Sheriffs to work together to defend the God-given rights of the people. When these powerful positions of authority converge together in the last days they will ensure that rebellion against tyranny is obedience to God. This Shepherd and Sheriff carry a powerful story that champions the defense of freedom of religion in the face of the 2020 lockdowns and church closures. Learn how Pastor Caleb Cooper and Sheriff Glenn Hamilton were victorious through peaceful non-compliance to defend God-given rights that are clearly defined in the U.S. Constitution.
Book Shepherd Caleb Cooper and Sheriff Glenn Hamilton to speak at your event:
How it all started:
The year of 2020 was an unprecedented test for the Church and their true spiritual temperature. The question remains, how many believers truthfully burn with the authentic fire of the Holy Spirit believing that He will empower them to stand in the last days? Allow me to reveal the condensed version of how the fire of God empowered me to stand in the chaotic year of 2020 and beyond. The more detailed version of my encounter can be read in my book, Jesus Focused: Awakening Endtime Prophetic Strategy (Foreword by Sierra County Sheriff, Glenn Hamilton).
Revelation 12:11 says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”
In February of 2020, my wife and I had just completed the celebra- tion of our 15-year wedding anniversary trip on an amazing cruise ship. As soon as we got back home from the trip, we began to hear the rum- blings of Covid-19 cases in America. By the end of March of 2020, America was asked to put their lives on hold for fifteen days to stop the spread. Over a period of time, churches and businesses across the nation began shutting down. America started the process of beginning to be on lockdown.
The U.S. Constitution was daily becoming under siege. Churches across America were starting to close in massive numbers. I remember thinking to myself concerning the Pentecostal church of America, where is their Holy Ghost fire to stand? Healing ministries were closing their doors. I thought to myself, if we have ever needed the healing ministries it would be now during a pandemic. I thought to myself, if the healing ministries are closed during the time of healing being needed, then they should never reopen.
In my heart, my question to the professing Spirit-filled Church was, “Where is your Holy Ghost fire to stand in the midst of a pandemic, or plandemic as many refer to it?” I remember asking the Lord, “What would You have our church do during this pandemic?” As clear as a bell, I heard the Spirit of God say, “Son, keep my lighthouse open, this will be known as ‘America’s Storm,’ but also America’s Great Divide.” I thought I understood the reality of the storm, but I had no clue the severity of the storm and the intensity of the division that was coming upon this great nation.
Regardless of what was coming, I had the Holy Ghost fire inside of me to stand. I just knew that no matter what anybody else on this planet was doing, I was going to do what God said. If every church in America shut down, the fire of God in me was empowering me to keep the lighthouse called New Hope Revival Church open. I felt an inner strength and supernatural fire that was willing to go to jail, or even die, for the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I chose to obey God and keep New Hope Revival Church open in Truth or Consequences, NM. We continued services on Easter Sunday April 12, 2020. Suddenly, I received a message on the church phone from the New Mexico State Police.
The tyrannical governor of New Mexico put in place a public health order. In her original order, non-essential businesses were to shut down and mass gatherings were prohibited under the powers and authority set forth in New Mexico. Churches, synagogues, mosques, and houses of worship were exempt from the New Mexico Public Health Order.
Internally, I struggled with this unconstitutional health order. Many across our state felt that a governor did not have the authority to deter- mine what businesses were essential and what businesses are non- essential. I was thankful that, at this moment in time, the Church was still considered essential and exempt from the New Mexico Public Health Order.
Sadly, on the Eve of Easter 2020, the atmosphere of the state of New Mexico shifted with an Emergency Alert that hit the cell phone of every New Mexican. It read, “Emergency Alert: Covid-19 update: Gatherings not safe, even at church. STAY HOME.” In that moment, I knew that the Uncompromised Revival Fire That Burns Hotter Than Hell inside of me would soon be tested. This emergency alert was a statewide warning that our freedom to freely assemble and worship would be under attack. I knew what God had spoken to me about keeping His lighthouse open. Later that same day, on Easter Eve, the Governor revised her New Mexico Public Health Order to include that Mass Gatherings, meaning any public or private gathering that brings together five or more individuals in a single room, or connected space, are prohibited. The health order went on to say that churches synagogues, mosques, and all other houses of worship shall adhere to these restrictions.
I chose to obey God and keep New Hope Revival Church open in Truth or Consequences, NM. We continued services on Easter Sunday April 12, 2020. Suddenly, I received a message on the church phone from the New Mexico State Police. It said, “This is referenced to New Hope Revival Church; we have complaints stating that the church is still open and running during church hours. Just to let you guys know that you guy’s are non-essential, and this business should be closed down until further notice and until this epidemic is over and completed. Until the Governor gives orders to reopen.

The following Sunday, after receiving the phone call from law enforcement, Sierra County Sheriff Glenn Hamilton attended our church service to show his support for our Constitutional Rights. “I’m here to ensure that I will be that guy that is the barrier between the oppressive government and those officials that are trying to enforce it.”
The Holy Ghost fire that was within me would now be tested. I knew I needed wisdom from the Holy Spirit. I connected with someone within our church about having a meeting with the Sierra County Sheriff, Glenn Hamilton. I knew that the Sheriff was the chief law enforcement of the region. I stepped into his office to have the meeting. I said, “Sheriff, I received this disturbing voicemail from the New Mexico State Police. I watched almost thirty of the thirty-three sheriffs of New Mexico stand for gun rights; will you stand for GOD RIGHTS?”
As soon as I said that he looked me right in the eyes and said, “Pastor, I will defend you even if it means I have to go to jail myself.” His statement was so powerful, it shook me because I knew that the fire of God within me would not allow me to close the church under any circumstances. Having the support of the Sierra County Sheriff, who was willing to lay down everything to defend the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, blew my mind. Sheriff Glenn Hamilton was committed to being certain that our God-given Constitutional Rights were not violated. The Sheriff reminded me that he took an oath in office to defend the U.S. Constitution and that was exactly what he was going to do. I began to learn in that moment that if you will allow the Holy Ghost fire inside of you to empower you to stand, then God will raise up people that will begin to stand alongside of you!
The following Sunday, after receiving the phone call from law enforcement, Sierra County Sheriff Glenn Hamilton attended our church service to show his support for our Constitutional Rights. The Sheriff shared a word of encouragement to the Body of Christ about our Consti- tutional Rights and his commitment to his oath of office. He made this powerful statement on that day: “I’m here to ensure that I will be that guy that is the barrier between the oppressive government and those officials that are trying to enforce it.”
I remember Sheriff Glenn Hamilton saying one time, “Remember, the Lord works in mysterious ways. Sometimes, He sends a sheriff who prays every day for strength and wisdom.”
You would think that with the Sheriff standing with you that it would end all levels of warfare. The reality is that things only began to intensify. God will send people to stand with you, but there is no substitute for the fire of God that burns in you that empowers you to keep standing.
The following Sunday, our Sheriff was not in attendance. Suddenly, two New Mexico State Police officers swerved into our church parking lot. We were still open as most churches in New Mexico had complied and remained closed. I was standing at the pulpit and could see them pull in as a major distraction to the preaching of the Word of God. I kept preaching the Word of God as a few elders within our church body went outside to greet the officers. They were told once again that we could not have mass gatherings, as church consisted of more than five people. They gave another verbal warning and they left.
I shared what had happened with the New Mexico State Police with the Sheriff. Our sheriff immediately called for a meeting with the New Mexico State Police that was held at our church. I will never forget that meeting as the officers began to explain the severity of Covid-19 and how I needed to close the church. They said, “Pastor, now share your thoughts with us.” I said, “You have a job to do, and I have a job to do. The only thing worse than someone dying of Covid-19 is that they die of Covid-19 without Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and they burn in hell for eternity. The church is essential, and will not close down.”
We could not come to a place of agreement. The fire of the Holy Ghost within me would not allow me to close the church and only empowered me to burn hotter than the plans and strategies of hell that sought to close the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. The battle was not between the flesh and blood of a Pastor and Sheriff vs. the Governor and the New Mexico State Police. This was a spiritual battle that would only be won by a Pastor full of the Holy Ghost and Fire and the wisdom of God unleashed through the Sheriff.
Ephesians 6:10-12 says, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
When we found no place of agreement with the New Mexico State Police and the conflict continued, Sheriff Glenn Hamilton did something that was unprecedented on May 3, 2020. The Sheriff attended our Sunday morning service and opened our service by briefing our congregation about the current happenings concerning Covid-19 in our county and throughout the state. The Sheriff said that he would need to appoint special deputies, so that in the event that his officers contracted the virus and needed to be quarantined, he then would need special deputies available to serve our community. He then quoted from the New Mexico Law his authority to deputize respectable and orderly persons as special deputies in our county.
From that moment, we raised our right hands as a church and took our oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution by taking of Special Deputies of Sierra County, NM. The Sheriff congratulated us as special deputies and informed us that one of the benefits of this is that under the Governor’s order, law enforcement was exempt from the order currently in place.

New Hope Revival Church may be the first church in history to be deputized in the face of tyrannical government. New Mexico news stations began contacting the Sheriff and I for interviews.
Two things were happening in this moment. One, I stood on the Word that God gave me and allowed the fire of the Holy Spirit to burn hotter than the plans of hell to shut down our church. Secondly, God raised up a Sheriff to stand and defend His Church as the Chief Law Enforcement of the region. The livestream of Sheriff Glenn Hamilton deputizing started moving across social media. New Hope Revival Church may be the first church in history to be deputized in the face of tyrannical government. New Mexico news stations began contacting the Sheriff and I for interviews.
This was one of the most powerful events in my life where I saw the hand of God step in and defend with the fire of His presence. The following Sunday, May 10, 2020, on Mother’s Day, my family and I were enjoying a wonderful meal as we celebrated my wife, the mother of our two precious children, when suddenly there was a knock at the front door of our home. The knock at the door was the New Mexico State Police. They began to share with me how they had to serve me a Cease and Desist Order for refusing to close the church and continuing to have services.
I began to talk to them about their oath of office that they had taken to defend the U.S. Constitution. I also pulled my paper out that had been signed by Sheriff Glenn Hamilton showing that our church had been deputized. The officer seemed absolutely shocked and taken back because right before his eyes were two conflicting documents. One sent by the tyrannical governor through the New Mexico State Police demanding us to cease and desist from having church. The other document, signed by the Sheriff of Sierra County Glenn Hamilton, showing that we had been deputized as Special Deputies and in fact, made us exempt from the Governor’s health order. The officer was not sure what to say other than, he had to serve me the Cease-and-Desist Order.

Commemorative badge that honors the moment Sheriff Glenn Hamilton deputized New Hope Revival Church making Pastor Caleb Cooper a Special Deputy. This commemorative badge serves as a symbol of the unity between Shepherds and Sheriffs.
Many across the state watched the news interview and began following the story on social media. On Sunday May 17, 2020, as our state wondered if we would keep our church open, we had over four hundred people from across New Mexico converge on New Hope Revival Church.
My wife video recorded the entire encounter and when she posted it on social media, the video went viral within 24 hours with over 140,000 views. People were outraged that the police would attempt to shut down a church. On the other hand, they were blown away and excited that the Sheriff, being the Chief Law Enforcement in the region, would deputize an entire church. You must have the fire of God to stand in this evil day. The New Mexico news stations continued contacting us after we were served the Cease-and-Desist Order wanting another interview. The million-dollar question from the news stations was: “Pastor, do you still plan to have service Sunday morning after being served a Cease-and- Desist Order?” My response to them as, “We have plans to worship Jesus Christ on Sunday morning right here at New Hope Revival Church.”
Many across the state watched the news interview and began following the story on social media. On Sunday May 17, 2020, as our state wondered if we would keep our church open, we had over four hundred people from across New Mexico converge on New Hope Revival Church. A parade went through our city with cowboys on their horses along with many people in their cars and ATVs.
The parade was to stand with Pastor Caleb Cooper and Sheriff Glenn Hamilton. American flags were being flown from vehicles. Patriotic declarations were voiced from patriots that came to stand with the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Militias strapped with firearms arrived unexpectedly to stand guard at the doors of our church.
I remember receiving a phone call while in the parade that there were men guarding the doors of the church with AR- 15s. My response as simple, “Are they for us or against us?” They said, “They are here to support you, Pastor.” I said, “Then leave them alone.” We were hearing of atheists that were saying, “We don’t believe in your God, but we believe that Pastor Cooper should have the right to keep his church open.”
I remember receiving a phone call while in the parade that there were men guarding the doors of the church with AR- 15s. My response as simple, “Are they for us or against us?” They said, “They are here to support you, Pastor.” I said, “Then leave them alone.” We were hearing of atheists that were saying, “We don’t believe in your God, but we believe that Pastor Cooper should have the right to keep his church open.”
The fire of Holy Spirit burned so hot inside of me that there was no chance I could close God’s Church. The Holy Ghost fire to stand was so contagious inside of me that it caused many to want to come and stand with us. My mind goes to the famous words of the great revivalist John Wesley that as credited for saying, “I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.”
Some quote him saying it like this. “Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come miles to watch you burn. People came from many miles across New Mexico and other states to come and stand with New Hope Revival Church in Truth or Consequences, NM.”
Many were able to witness Holy Spirit fire to stand. I was so blessed that on that Sunday morning, I was able to preach a powerful message that would grip the heart of Yvette Herrell who, at the time, was running for Congress, but later became Congresswoman Yvette Herrell. She came riding into our city on a horse standing for freedom of religion and defending our God-given right keep our church open. I was honored to have Congresswoman Yvette Herrell in 2021 endorsed my book, The Call for Strong Godly Leadership: A Compila- tion of Leaders from the Church, the Marketplace, and Law Enforce- ment. I was also honored to have Sierra County Sheriff Glenn Hamilton write a powerful chapter in this book entitled, Leading in Law Enforcement.
I never knew the power of Holy Ghost fire to stand until I was ignited to stand and keep our church open in the face of a global pandemic, and a tyrannical governor and law enforcement that refused to keep their oath of office of defending the U.S. Constitution. The end result of the Holy Ghost fire to stand was that on May 17, 2020, we stood staring down the Governor’s tyrannical order that sought to isolate religious freedom. We won the spiritual battle as it ended, and no other officer bothered us from that moment forward. On May 24, 2020, my birthday, President Donald J. Trump declared churches to be essential and that they should open up nationally. The Holy Ghost fire to stand empowered our church to never close. We have never closed, still to this day.
Sheriff Glenn Hamilton in 2021 was nominated by the Western States Sheriff’s Association for Sheriff of the Year for New Mexico. The primary reason for his nomination was his boldness to stand in the face of tyranny, defending the Constitutional Rights of the people to keep New Hope Revival Church open by deputizing the people.
Local Pastor, Sheriff Defend New Mexico Church’s Religious Right to Hold Services
Breaking NewsCooper refused to back down from his constitutional rights, though. And interestingly enough, the sheriff of his county is standing with him! I invited both men onto my podcast today to discuss what happened at Cooper’s New Hope Revival Church in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Read the article.
The Church Must Build Its Relationship With Law Enforcement, Pastor Caleb Cooper Says
Breaking News“I sat down and I said, ‘Sheriff Glenn Hamilton, I’ve watched you fight for the Second Amendment, you and 29 sheriffs in the state,’” Cooper says. “You fought for gun rights; I want to know if you’ll fight for God rights. Read the article
Sierra County church issued cease-and-desist order after violating public health order
Breaking NewsCooper then held an in-person service, in violation of the state’s public health order, and on Sunday he was served with the cease-and-desist order. Read the full article
Sheriff: Residents are frustrated, angry over closures
Breaking NewsIn case things go south, Sheriff Hamilton asked members of New Hope Revival Church to volunteer to help his deputies. He says more than 20 people stepped up. Read the full article
NM Sheriff Deputized a Whole Church to Keep Doors Open During COVID, Exempting them from Lockdowns
Breaking NewsSheriffs are the last line of defense between a rogue government and citizens, argues the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), which recently held a major conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. Alex Newman, a senior editor of The New American magazine, was in attendance and interviewed Glenn Hamilton, a sheriff from Sierra County, New Mexico. Read the full article
New Mexico Stands up To Governor
Breaking NewsPastor & Sheriff Join Forces Against Tyranny
When tyranny descended on America and government ordered churches shut down as “non-essential,” Pastor Caleb Cooper of New Hope Revival Church in New Mexico knew he could not comply, so he called his local sheriff. Together, he told The New American magazine’s Alex Newman, they figured out how to respond, providing a great example for pastors and lawmen across the nation. Both men spoke at the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Assocation in Las Vegas. Most importantly, perhaps, Pastor Cooper explains the biblical rationale for refusing to submit to fear or lawless tyranny. Watch the interview.
Foundation for Freedom Conference 2024

About Pastor, Dr. Caleb Cooper
Dr. Caleb Cooper is married to his lovely wife Erica and has two wonderful children, Izabella, and Caleb Titus Cooper. They have served in the ministry for almost two decades. A majority of those years have been spent Senior Pastoring. Caleb answered the call of God in 2003, when he heard the Lord say, “Son, I have called you to preach the Gospel with accompanied signs, wonders, and miracles and prepare a generation for the return of Jesus Christ!” Caleb is a firebrand revivalist that carries a unique calling and spiritual gift set to not only pastor God’s people but mobilize the body of Christ in the spirit of unity to labor together as ONE.
Caleb and his wife are Senior Pastors of New Hope Revival Church in Truth or Consequences, NM, Silver City, NM, and Tucson, Az.
Dr. Caleb Cooper received his Doctorate Degree in Biblical Studies and is the author of “Pioneering Prophetic Patterns of Purpose,” “Jesus Focused: Awakening Endtime Prophetic Strategy,” “The Convergence of Revival and the King’s Arrival,” “The Call For Strong Godly Leadership,” “Uncompromised Revival Fire,” and more.
He has two podcasts, “Uncompromised Revival Fire” and “Battle Ready Remnant.” He has also written many articles for Charisma Magazine and Destiny Image Publishers. Finally, Dr. Cooper’s story of refusing to close down New Hope Revival Church during the pandemic even in the face of a “Cease and Desist Order” by New Mexico State Police will be shown in the upcoming movie by KrisAnne Hall called Noncompliant 2: The Sheriff. The movie/documentary releases Fall 2022.
Pastor, Dr. Caleb Cooper and Sheriff Glenn Hamilton have shared this story either together or solo in more than fourteen cities, including:
- Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico
- Albuquerque, New Mexico
- Santa, Fe , New Mexico
- Little Rock Arkansas
- Jackson, Missouri
- Nashville, Tennessee
- Wilmore, Kentucky
- Cherokee, North Carolina
- Fort Mill, South Carolina
- Miami, Florida
- Tampa, Florida
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Orlando, Florida
- Ottertail County, Minnesota
And more…