• There has never been a time in history like the present moment where rapid endtime signs are being fulfilled right before our eyes. Jesus is coming soon! Hell is launching attacks against the church and God's people must answer the call to be spiritually armed and dangerous through prayer. The book, Armed With the Weapon of Prayer: Defying the Natural With the Supernatural, is sure to be a powerful resource for the body of Christ.

  • Partner with Dr. Caleb Cooper for Any Amount each month as he travels the country spreading the Gospel. Our $150 minimum means your partnership includes access to all e-courses (coming soon), e-books, and over 100 Classic Sermon Audio Downloads. Caleb Cooper Ministries is not a 501C3, and partnership donations are not tax deductible. Thank you for your generous heart and partnership to advance the Kingdom of God! We pray for a 100-fold return on your partnership in Jesus’ name!
  • Wear your faith and patriotism on your sleeve! Georg Washington said, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God or the bible."
  • Wear your faith and patriotism on your sleeve! Georg Washington said, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God or the bible."
  • Partner with Dr. Caleb Cooper for $75/MO as he travels the country spreading the Gospel. Your partnership includes access to over 100 Classic Sermon Audio Downloads and all e-books. Caleb Cooper Ministries is not a 501C3, and partnership donations are not tax deductible. Thank you for your generous heart and partnership to advance the Kingdom of God! We pray for a 100-fold return on your partnership in Jesus’ name!
  • Partner with Dr. Caleb Cooper for $50/MO as he travels the country spreading the Gospel. Your partnership includes access to all of Caleb Cooper's e-books.
    Caleb Cooper Ministries is not a 501C3, and partnership donations are not tax deductible. Thank you for your generous heart and partnership to advance the Kingdom of God! We pray for a 100-fold return on your partnership in Jesus' name!
  • Partner with Dr. Caleb Cooper for $25/MO as he travels the country spreading the Gospel.
  • Partner with Dr. Caleb Cooper for $100/MO as he travels the country spreading the Gospel. Your partnership includes access to all e-courses (coming soon), e-books, and over 100 Classic Sermon Audio Downloads. Caleb Cooper Ministries is not a 501C3, and partnership donations are not tax deductible. Thank you for your generous heart and partnership to advance the Kingdom of God! We pray for a 100-fold return on your partnership in Jesus’ name!


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