• Like a bundle of dynamite in the hands of the reader, the book Uncompromised Revival Fire: Burning Hotter Than Hell is sure to be an explosive resource for those desiring to live a life infused by the fire of the Holy Ghost! This book will function as a biblical guide that will track the manifestations of the fire of the Holy Spirit throughout the Word of God. Sergio Scataglini, Argentina Revival, "Pastor Caleb's message of Uncompromised Revival Fire could reroute the Church into the path of revival. Caleb is a revivalist and also a reformer, he vigorously defends religious freedom in our nation."
  • Waging War In The Invisible Realm, a five-hour audio series from Revivalist Caleb Cooper, is a weapon that creates a sensitivity and an alertness to the spiritual war that we are fighting everyday. This series truly empowers you to wage war in the invisible realm and see lives transformed by the raw power of God!
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