• God is raising up a generation of fearless soldiers in Christ that are fully equipped with the Word of God to navigate and be victorious in the invisible realm. This group course is sure to give you insight into how to spiritually dress yourself with the armor of God and biblically posture yourself on the spiritual battlefield. It will propel you to boldly destroy the works of the devil in Jesus name. It will also lay a clear theological and doctrinally sound foundation of how the realm of angelic forces and the demonic forces operate and what is required to be able to stand and overcome in the last days.
  • God is raising up a generation of fearless soldiers in Christ that are fully equipped with the Word of God to navigate and be victorious in the invisible realm. This group course is sure to give you insight into how to spiritually dress yourself with the armor of God and biblically posture yourself on the spiritual battlefield. It will propel you to boldly destroy the works of the devil in Jesus name. It will also lay a clear theological and doctrinally sound foundation of how the realm of angelic forces and the demonic forces operate and what is required to be able to stand and overcome in the last days. Churches can purchase this course and share the content with bible study groups. For groups of over 12 people, contact Caleb for pricing. Group leaders can print challenges and share 4K video lessons with the group for 12 weeks.
  • Jesus gave us a clarion call to ensure that our house is built on the rock as we navigate through the global spiritual storms of the end of days. Get the biblical foundation needed to stand against theological warfare.

  • Wear your faith and patriotism on your sleeve! Georg Washington said, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God or the bible."
  • Did Revivalist Caleb Cooper’s book, Battle Ready Remnant: Called To Contend, ignite a fire in your heart? Wear that fire on your sleeve with the Battle Ready long-sleeve t-shirt.
  • Did Caleb Cooper’s book, Uncompromised Revival Fire, ignite your heart? Wear that fire on your sleeve with the Uncompromised Revival Fire long-sleeve t-shirt.
  • Partner with Dr. Caleb Cooper for Any Amount each month as he travels the country spreading the Gospel. Our $150 minimum means your partnership includes access to all e-courses (coming soon), e-books, and over 100 Classic Sermon Audio Downloads. Caleb Cooper Ministries is not a 501C3, and partnership donations are not tax deductible. Thank you for your generous heart and partnership to advance the Kingdom of God! We pray for a 100-fold return on your partnership in Jesus’ name!
  • Partner with Dr. Caleb Cooper for $100/MO as he travels the country spreading the Gospel. Your partnership includes access to all e-courses (coming soon), e-books, and over 100 Classic Sermon Audio Downloads. Caleb Cooper Ministries is not a 501C3, and partnership donations are not tax deductible. Thank you for your generous heart and partnership to advance the Kingdom of God! We pray for a 100-fold return on your partnership in Jesus’ name!
  • Partner with Dr. Caleb Cooper for $75/MO as he travels the country spreading the Gospel. Your partnership includes access to over 100 Classic Sermon Audio Downloads and all e-books. Caleb Cooper Ministries is not a 501C3, and partnership donations are not tax deductible. Thank you for your generous heart and partnership to advance the Kingdom of God! We pray for a 100-fold return on your partnership in Jesus’ name!
  • Partner with Dr. Caleb Cooper for $50/MO as he travels the country spreading the Gospel. Your partnership includes access to all of Caleb Cooper's e-books.
    Caleb Cooper Ministries is not a 501C3, and partnership donations are not tax deductible. Thank you for your generous heart and partnership to advance the Kingdom of God! We pray for a 100-fold return on your partnership in Jesus' name!
  • Partner with Dr. Caleb Cooper for $25/MO as he travels the country spreading the Gospel.
  • THE ONE BIBLE THAT SHOWS HOW ‘A LIGHT FROM ABOVE’ SHAPED OUR NATION. Never has a version of the Bible targeted the spiritual needs of those who love our country more than The American Patriot’s Bible. This extremely unique Bible shows how the history of the United States connects the people and events of the Bible to our lives in a modern world. The story of the United States is wonderfully woven into the teachings of the Bible and includes a beautiful full-color family record section, memorable images from our nation’s history and hundreds of enlightening articles which complement the New King James Version Bible text.


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