Holy Spirit Revealed Part 9: Saturated in the Anointing

God desires that His children live a life saturated in the anointing. The anointing upon your life means that you are set apart and consecrated for God’s purpose on earth. Many desire to walk in powerful anointing, refusing to realize that the anointing causes them to live a set apart life. The Old Testament gives insight into God’s desire to anoint the whole Tabernacle. In the New Testament, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and God desires to anoint every part of our lives.

By |2025-03-28T17:27:38+00:00March 28, 2025|Bible Study, Holy Spirit|0 Comments

Holy Spirit Revealed Part 8: United We Are Anointed

We must understand the importance of unity in the Body of Christ. Unity prepares the way for the anointing to flow. The enemy has deceived many into believing that a house divided can still stand when we know in our hearts that the opposite is true. The anointing flows from unity! For a better understanding of unity in connection to the anointing be sure to watch the video podcast connected to this article.

By |2025-02-21T15:18:53+00:00February 21, 2025|Bible Study, Holy Spirit|Comments Off on Holy Spirit Revealed Part 8: United We Are Anointed

Holy Spirit Revealed Part 7: Walking in the Breaker Anointing

I believe that every blood-bought believer in Jesus Christ has access to a bondage-breaking anointing upon their lives. You have an anointing that snaps the yokes of bondage. Jesus Christ came to this earth to destroy the works of the devil and set mankind free from the power of sin and death. The anointing of the Holy Spirit upon your life will expedite the manifestation of all that God has promised in the Word of God for us to walk in.

By |2025-02-13T21:02:13+00:00February 13, 2025|Bible Study, Holy Spirit|Comments Off on Holy Spirit Revealed Part 7: Walking in the Breaker Anointing

Holy Spirit Revealed Part 6: Empowered by the Fullness of the Anointing

God desires that His people walks in the fullness of the anointing. God gave Moses the recipe of anointing oil that I believe serves as a prophetic blueprint of different aspects that are required in our lives to walk in the fullness of the anointing!

By |2025-02-07T15:46:38+00:00February 7, 2025|Bible Study, Holy Spirit|Comments Off on Holy Spirit Revealed Part 6: Empowered by the Fullness of the Anointing

Holy Spirit Revealed Part 5: The Spirit of the Lord is Upon You

The anointing of the Holy Spirit is represented by oil. The anointing upon your life makes the difference in any and every atmosphere. The anointing alters situations and changes atmospheres. The anointing means to be set apart and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the work of the ministry! The anointing of the Holy Spirit accomplishes what man is incapable of accomplishing. God desires to anoint you to destroy the works of the devil in the earth.

By |2025-01-24T17:50:40+00:00January 24, 2025|Bible Study, Holy Spirit|Comments Off on Holy Spirit Revealed Part 5: The Spirit of the Lord is Upon You

Holy Spirit Revealed Part 4: Trusting the Holy Ghost Dove From Above

We know that the dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. During the flood of Noah’s day, he introduced the dove which he would have to trust to be his guide that would lead him out of the storm. The dove is symbolic of how we must be led out of our storms of life by the Holy Spirit. The day you gave your life to Jesus the Holy Spirit regenerated your heart which means you were brought back to life. He sealed you which means you are marked and stamped by the power of the Holy Ghost and He will govern, guard, and guide your life.

By |2025-01-16T15:08:45+00:00January 16, 2025|Bible Study, Holy Spirit|Comments Off on Holy Spirit Revealed Part 4: Trusting the Holy Ghost Dove From Above

Holy Spirit Revealed Part 3: Thirsty for the River of Living Water

God wants you thirsty for the rivers of His living water in your life. Water is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Imagine the Holy Spirit flowing like a river which means it is moving. The Holy Spirit is not like a lake that is stagnant and not mobile. Rivers in the natural can move so powerfully that they chip away at mountains until the mountain is reduced in size. Maybe you have some mountains that you are facing. Allow the river of the Holy Spirit to flow through your life and bring down those mountains of opposition. Jesus made it clear that if you are thirsty that you could come to Him and drink and out of your heart shall flow rivers of living water.

By |2024-12-13T00:16:20+00:00December 13, 2024|Bible Study, Holy Spirit|Comments Off on Holy Spirit Revealed Part 3: Thirsty for the River of Living Water

Holy Spirit Revealed Part 2: Discerning the Spiritual Winds of Change

I believe that we are living in the hour where the spiritual wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing across the earth shifting the atmosphere. It is imperative to be sure to watch the video podcast to fully grasp the revelation of what God desires to reveal concerning the wind of Spirit. Take a moment and read through these verses concerning the breath or wind of the Holy Spirit.

By |2024-11-22T21:42:52+00:00November 22, 2024|Bible Study, Holy Spirit|Comments Off on Holy Spirit Revealed Part 2: Discerning the Spiritual Winds of Change

Holy Spirit Revealed Part 1: The Breath of God

God desires to breathe life into His people and every aspect of their lives. The breath, wind or oxygen is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Please be sure to listen to the video podcast as I elaborate on the breath of God far more in-depth. Also, read these scriptures and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.

By |2024-11-01T19:07:01+00:00November 1, 2024|Bible Study, Holy Spirit|Comments Off on Holy Spirit Revealed Part 1: The Breath of God

The Book of Jude Part 5: Eternity, Apostasy, and Commands to the Church

God desires that we become driven by eternity being able to discern the apostasy in the earth as well as living fully surrendered to the commands of the Lord. Please be sure to fully watch the video podcast as this article does not do justice to the video teaching.

By |2024-10-25T14:42:53+00:00October 25, 2024|Bible Study, Holy Spirit|Comments Off on The Book of Jude Part 5: Eternity, Apostasy, and Commands to the Church
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