The word father means the ability to impart life. The heart of God has never been and will never be to give you some type of generic faith. He desires to impart His life into you which carries an authentic transforming faith. The Word of God reveals that God desires to give you the gift of faith.

1 Corinthians 12:1-8 says, “But the Manifestations of the Spirit is given to each one for the Profit of all for to one is given the word of wisdom to another Word of Knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith.”


The gift of faith is a supernatural faith that is imparted by the Holy Spirit that enables the believer to believe God for extraordinary things including the miraculous! Imagine the Holy Spirit coming upon your life and gifting you with faith until you believe in God in a powerfully supernatural way. This faith is the Father’s faith operating through you. The gift of faith is also defined as a supernatural empowerment by the Holy Spirit to believe that which is uttered or desired by a person in the name of Jesus or spoken by God shall come to pass! The gift of faith is the supernatural ability to believe God without doubt. This faith moves mountains and cuts down the plans of the devil. It is an earth-shaking faith that moves the hand of God across the earth. God loves situations that cannot be fixed in the natural because it is a divine setup for the supernatural power of God to reveal itself.

You must realize when the Holy Spirit fills your life and gifts you with faith you are not getting a second hand lesser of a faith. You are getting God’s faith in operation on the earth. The gift of faith will cause you to be as convinced as God is concerning His power and ability to make things happen on earth. The gift of faith empowers you to start treating whatever you are believing for as though it is a reality though you cannot see it with your eyes yet. Once you can see what you are believing for then there is no need for faith. This gift of faith is designed to empower you and encourage you to believe even when you cannot see your breakthrough. Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen!

The Father’s faith is the same faith that spoke the whole universe into existence and created all vegetation and life. It is the same faith that formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into him. The Holy Spirit desires to fill you with the Father’s faith that speaks the realities of heaven into the earth.


There are countless examples of men and women in the Word of God who walked in the Father’s faith and saw the atmospheres of their lives and the atmospheres around them change.

Consider how impacted the life of Abraham was through faith. He was passed the age to have kids and Sarah’s womb was barren. Their situation was as good as dead! Have you ever felt like your situation was dead and there was no hope? However, Abraham considered God to be faithful who made the promise to him about his descendants being as the sand of the seashore and as the stars of the sky! He began believing as God believed! The Father’s faith got inside of him. God told him he would have a son and he believed it.

Romans 4:19-22 says, “And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah’s womb. He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. And therefore “it was accounted to him for righteousness.”

Abraham believed if God said he can do it then he can do it! God quickened the womb of Sarah and Isaac would be conceived. Abraham believed that with God all things are possible! Throughout the life of Abraham, you can continue to see him walk by faith even if it meant sacrificing his own son.

Consider Moses who walked in the Father’s faith as he lifted his staff and parted the Red Sea bringing deliverance to the children of Israel just as God said he would.

Jesus moved about in powerful faith. In Mark 4 Jesus and His disciples got in the boat and He said to them, “Let us go over to the other side.” He had already made them a promise they were going to the other side. It did not matter to Jesus what would happen at sea they were going to the other side. A storm arose and Jesus slept through the storm until one of His disciples woke Him. He stood on the edge of the boat and said, “Peace be still.” The waters Immediately calmed at the sound of His voice. The disciples failed to walk by faith but Jesus demonstrated the power of walking in the Father’s faith and shifting the atmosphere.

Consider Mark 5 where the woman with the issue of blood had been sick for 12 years. She suffered a great deal under the care of doctors and spent all the money that she had yet instead of getting better she got worse. Have you ever been in a situation where everything you tried naturally does not cause it to get better it just keeps getting worse? Suddenly faith rises inside of her and she simply makes her way to touching the garment of Jesus. Jesus said, “Who touched me for I felt power leave me. Your faith has made you whole.” Faith caused there to be a way when there was no way! Rest assured that the Father’s faith can deal with any circumstance and drive all sickness and disease.

Consider the centurion who came to Jesus and said, “Help me my servant lies at home paralyzed.” Jesus said, “I’ll go heal him!” I believe the Holy Spirit dropped the Father’s faith down into the heart of the centurion and changed the atmosphere! The centurion said, “Just say the word and my servant will be healed!” You must understand the Father’s faith believes that one spoken Word can change any circumstance or atmosphere. Jesus said, “I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith!” Jesus spoke the Word and the servant was healed.


The time is now for you to walk in the Father’s faith. Your eyes are not always telling you the final truth. There is the natural realm and then there is the possibility for the supernatural to overthrow the natural. The gift of faith is available to every blood- bought believer in Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “ For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

We must get on our faces and begin to cry out for the gift of faith to flow in our lives until we believe with the same faith that the Father operates in. Everything around you is subject to change based on your faith in the God of heaven that lives on the inside of you!

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