Commands To Becoming A Crossover People

There will be times and seasons in your life when you will face the realm of impossibility. Every angle will seem to be closing in on you and there is no way through unless God makes a way. Do not fear these moments because God specializes in the supernatural.

By |2024-02-23T03:25:15+00:00February 23, 2024|Bible Study|Comments Off on Commands To Becoming A Crossover People

Sinful Signs of a Slothful Servant

The greatest threat to you becoming nothing less than everything that God has called you to be is spiritual laziness that seeks to attack every believer’s life at some point. Just because laziness attacks does not mean you have to comply. The Bible calls it sloth. The parable of the faithful servants versus the slothful servant reveals a lot about God’s expectations when He makes an investment into our lives.

By |2024-02-16T01:44:11+00:00February 16, 2024|Bible Study|Comments Off on Sinful Signs of a Slothful Servant

The More You Know God, The More You Fear Him

We know that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The problem is that many do not fear God because they do not know Him. The more you know God in accordance to His Word the greater the fear of the Lord will come upon your life. You must allow your heart to be awestruck by the reality that God spoke the whole world into existence and it is upheld by the Word of His power.

By |2024-02-09T03:14:20+00:00February 9, 2024|Bible Study|Comments Off on The More You Know God, The More You Fear Him

Running with Fire Unhindered

There is a race for eternal life that is set before you and how you run it matters. This race can be run spiritually dehydrated by not drinking of the waters of the Holy Spirit. It can be run under the influence of a spirit of sloth that makes you lazy and unproductive. This race can be run without a fiery zeal and passion for the things of God. Your race can be run many ways but rest assured when the race is over, however you run will be recorded in eternity forever. Your spiritual speed, endurance, and faithfulness to stay the course will be reflected at the Judgment Seat of Christ. If we know that the results of our race are recorded in heaven then why not RUN WITH FIRE!

By |2024-02-02T02:30:25+00:00February 2, 2024|Bible Study|Comments Off on Running with Fire Unhindered

Running The Race To See His Face

Imagine the spiritual race that is set before you every day and this race is the race to see the face of Jesus Christ. It is the most important and rewarding race that you will ever run in your life. The prize after your race will be an incorruptible crown that you will receive in the presence of Jesus Christ and once you receive it you will then cast it at the feet of Jesus Christ. In biblical times crowns were made of wild olive branches for the Olympic Games and all of the crowns were corruptible meaning they would start withering the moment that they were made.

By |2024-01-26T00:37:29+00:00January 26, 2024|Bible Study|Comments Off on Running The Race To See His Face

Your Conduct Affects The Will of God

There seems to be a misconception on the earth concerning the will of God. Many believe that the will of God is automatic as if it happens regardless of how people live their lives. This deception could be no further from the truth of what is revealed in the Word of God. Just because God has an amazing plan for your life does not mean that His plan will manifest in your life just because you are alive on planet Earth and you are daily inhaling and exhaling. Your existence does not trigger the will of God for your life but rest assured your Christ conduct will shift your life into the will of God. Allow me to give you 5 things revealed in the Word of God that will certainly be impactful in propelling you into the will of God for your life.

By |2024-01-19T18:30:20+00:00January 19, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Your Conduct Affects The Will of God

The Will of God Requires The Word of God

All believers have a passion inside of them to know the will of God for their lives. What you must understand is the will of God requires that you know the Word of God. The enemy is extremely deceptive and you cannot assume that just because something feels good that it is good and that it is the will of God for your life. Feelings can be a deceptive weapon of the enemy that nudges you down a path that seems right but in the end, it is wrong.

By |2024-01-19T00:15:05+00:00January 12, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Will of God Requires The Word of God

Ending the Year Suited Up for Battle

The earth is being tossed to and fro as our transgressions are heavy upon it just as the prophet Isaiah declared. This year has been infused with moments of uncertainty as economic and political twists and turns continue to force the entire globe to navigate uncharted waters—waters which appear to be troubled with blatant lies, deception and an antichrist agenda in full swing.

By |2024-01-12T15:39:07+00:00October 27, 2022|Spiritual Warfare|Comments Off on Ending the Year Suited Up for Battle

Exposing and Destroying 5 Weapons of the Enemy

In the last few years everything has seemed to have rapidly shifted in this nation and across globe. There is no doubt that the labor pains of the return of Jesus Christ is upon us and the enemy knows that his time is short.

By |2023-03-02T00:02:52+00:00October 11, 2022|Spiritual Warfare|Comments Off on Exposing and Destroying 5 Weapons of the Enemy

How to Defeat the Spirits of Fear and Deception

The mission statement of hell in the last days certainly includes unleashing the spirit of deception that is wrapped in a spirit of fear. This two fold weaponry of the enemy is no respecter of persons and will seek to assault anyone who is willing to give place to the devil. I am reminded of the gospels revealing the enemy’s plan of deception and fear as an end-time sign that Jesus would crack the clouds and return for His people.

By |2023-03-02T00:20:38+00:00October 7, 2022|Spiritual Warfare|Comments Off on How to Defeat the Spirits of Fear and Deception
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