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Caleb Cooper Ministries

Be Transformed, Bring Revival

Revival is a person and His name is Jesus Christ! Be transformed into His image and surely the fire and glory will follow.

Bold believer, are you:

  • Burning for personal transformation?

  • Hungry to see God move across the earth?

  • Ready to be propelled into your purpose?

Many bold Christians in these last days desire to have a public expression of revival without first having a personal revival with Jesus Christ. We must be transformed personally before we can bring transformation to the atmospheres that are around us.

Walk out of sin and into a life of holiness so you are positioned to walk in prophetic purpose!

Caleb Cooper Ministries transforms atmospheres through sustainable revival and brings awakening through personal transformation and unity within the body of Christ. Revivalist Caleb Cooper is an apostolic prophetic firebrand-revivalist and unapologetic truth-teller. He is on a mission to preach the uncompromised Word of God with accompanying signs, wonders and miracles as he prepares a generation to be ready for the return of Jesus Christ. Caleb Cooper Ministries offers a wide variety of resources that are combustible for the soul of any believer, igniting you to burn with Holy Spirit FIRE.

Meet The Coopers

Welcome! I am Dr. Caleb Cooper. I am married to my lovely wife Erica, and we have two wonderful children. We have served in ministry for almost two decades. A majority of those years have been spent Senior Pastoring. I answered the call of God in 2003, when I heard the voice of Lord say, “Son, I have called you to preach the Gospel with accompanying signs, wonders, and miracles and prepare a generation for the return of Jesus Christ!”

I am a firebrand revivalist through and through. Through my mandate from God, I am called and spiritually gifted to not only pastor God’s people but mobilize the body of Christ in the spirit of unity to labor together as ONE.

Caleb Cooper and Family


Pastor Caleb Cooper really hit a home run here. Battle-Ready Remnant and the message of this book literally hits at the core of what we as believers need to know and understand with regard to the time and season we are in right now. This book will set you up for success and give you the information you will need to be battle ready and fire for God, even in the middle of the current challenge in our world.

Todd Coconato, President of Religious Liberty Coalition

Pastor Caleb’s message of Uncompromised Revival Fire could reroute the Church into the path of revival. Caleb is a revivalist and also a reformer; he vigorously defends religious freedom in our nation. As a strong confronter of the areas of compromise in the Church, this book challenges God’s people to live in the holiness of God. There is hope for our nation if we, the Church.

Sergio Scataglini, Argentina Revival

Pastor Caleb Cooper is a man whom I have come to admire and respect immensely. I was familiar with his ministry because “good news travels fast,” but with me on the East Coast and he out West, we have yet to cross paths. A mutual friend, Apostle Fred Berry, who oversees the iconic Azusa Street Mission in Los Angeles, CA, had us both slated to speak at a conference and opposed to wait in person, I felt strongly in my spirit that I needed to reach out and say, “Hello.” That risk quickly became a reward when I sensed on the phone what I already saw; God would bring us together not only to make a difference in California, but also in the state of New Mexico. As he shared and I instantly picked up on his integrity and enthusiasm, I knew that God was not only bonding a friendship, but also an assignment. Caleb has a deep passion for God and country. Pastor Caleb Cooper has assembled after that first phone call will not only be a game-changer for some, but also a life-changer for others. As you glean from the diamonds of gems in these pages, my prayer is that it will stretch you to not only become your best, but also to cheer each other on in the process. It is fitting that this book is being assembled and distributed out of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico because the truth is, if we quit now, or refuse to move forward with love and leadership, there will be consequences because we gave up on the truth. I have met Truth and it is not a program, a policy, or a product, but He’s a person and Jesus is worth living for and need be worth dying for, as well.

Frank Shelton, Jr., Radio Host, “By Faith” with Frank Shelton Founder, Frank Shelton Global

Inspirational. Educational. Full of Truth and the Fire of God. Caleb Cooper will help the American Christian understand the importance of being spiritually and constitutionally grounded in these last days. A must read for anyone who seeks the courage to Stand for what they believe in.

KrisAnne Hall, JD Constitutional, Attorney, Professor, Author and Film Maker

Caleb Cooper has a powerful message birthed from the fire that burns within him. If you’re longing to authentically live for Jesus Christ and truly yield your life to Him, I believe Uncompromised Revival Fire will ignite a passion to obey the Lord and pursue Him without compromise. Caleb’s words, led by the Holy Spirit, will fan the embers of every heart that desires to burn for Jesus!

Jeri Hill, President, Together In the Harvest & Wife of the Late Steve Hill of the Brownsville Revival

Books + Apparel + Classic Sermons

“I am not waiting for a move of God, I am a move of God.” – William Booth

Will you help us fulfill all that God has called us to do? Will you partner with the mission?

Caleb Cooper and his family’s call to stir hearts with the Word of God, the Fire of the Holy Spirit and the call to mobilize unity is a very demanding and costly schedule. Caleb Cooper is an Author as well as his family that consistently writes books. Alongside the increasing yearly schedule Caleb Cooper Ministries is also committed to creating more books and children’s books that equip the Body of Christ of all ages as well as continuing to add the most cutting edge resources to that includes discipleship e-courses and more.

Uncompromised Revival Fire with Dr. Caleb Cooper is now on local television and online streaming services!

The show is now streaming on NOW TV as well as local networks for Son Broadcasting Network in New Mexico and Christian Television Network in Tulsa!

New Hope Revival Church may be the first church in history to be deputized in the face of tyrannical government.

The year of 2020 was an unprecedented test for the Church and their true spiritual temperature. The question remains, how many believers truthfully burn with the authentic fire of the Holy Spirit believing that He will empower them to stand in the last days? Allow me to reveal the condensed version of how the fire of God empowered me to stand in the chaotic year of 2020 and beyond. The more detailed version of my encounter can be read in my book, Jesus Focused: Awakening Endtime Prophetic Strategy (Foreword by Sierra County Sheriff, Glenn Hamilton). 

In my heart, during that time, my question to the professing Spirit-filled Church was, “Where is your Holy Ghost fire to stand in the midst of a pandemic, or plandemic as many refer to it?” I remember asking the Lord, “What would You have our church do during this pandemic?” As clear as a bell, I heard the Spirit of God say, “Son, keep my lighthouse open, this will be known as ‘America’s Storm,’ but also America’s Great Divide.” I thought I understood the reality of the storm, but I had no clue the severity of the storm and the intensity of the division that was coming upon this great nation.

Non Compliant 2: The Sheriff

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